The Well-Armed Lamb!
Courses We offer
Basic Pistol
  $80 - learn the pistol (10 hrs)
Basic Rifle
  $80 - learn the rifle (10 hrs)
First Steps
  $25 - just the basics of one 
         pistol or rifle type for
         the novice (3 hrs)
Home Firearm Safety
  $40 - a novice course with 
          a broader variety of 
         firearms (4 hrs)
Personal Protection in the Home
  $80 - learn to secure and 
         defend a house or an
         apartment (min. 8 hrs)
rule ONE
Where our courses are held
30124 Coffee
370 2nd Way, Waldo, FL

Bradford Sportsmen’s Farm
106th Ave, Graham, FL

links WE LIKE
National Rifle Association
IDPA Home Page
Say Uncle Gunblog
View From the Porch
Cosmoline and Rust
Col. Jeff Cooper’s Commentaries
Arms & the Law
Michael Bane
DownRange TV
A Human Right

Special Thanks
Oleg Volk
Adam Koford,-95.677068&sspn=33.02306,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=370+SW+2nd+Way,+Waldo,+Alachua,+Florida+32694&ll=29.791439,-82.169023&spn=0.008827,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A,+Graham,+FL&ie=UTF8&z=9&ll=29.845409,-82.199707&spn=1.477003,2.037964&om=1
rule four

Most people who want to shoot handguns should take the Basic Pistol course.  It’s our most in-depth course, and a certificate of completion qualifies you to apply for a Florida concealed carry permit.  It’s also the foundation of all our more advanced courses, such as Personal Protection in the Home and other courses we’ll be adding, so if you want to take one of the advanced courses we’ll require you to have taken the NRA Basic Pistol course first.

Not looking to get a carry permit?  One of our shorter courses might meet your needs, or serve as a stepping stone.  If you own a firearm but aren’t comfortable operating it, First Steps is a great choice for you.  It’s a simple, focused, short course that focuses heavily on one type of gun – the kind you own.  So, for example, if you’ve inherited a firearm, and don’t know what to do with it, First Steps is the course you want to take.  If you want a slightly broader view with a focus on safety, then Home Firearm Safety is a good choice.

Which course should I take?

ammunition costs vary by course